1000butterflies - april 15 2021

Help locally to heal Globally….
Helping you to find the balance within YOU…..
Renewal, Transformation, Rebirth, Elevation

March 2017 [ Reiki at a private function

Hi, Mary Anne. This is Natasha. We met last night. It was really neat to meet you. Thank you so much for helping me last night before you headed out. I’m not sure exactly what you did, but I cannot express how much I appreciate it, because part of my body has healed since today, too!! I have not been able to taste anything on the left side of my tongue for about a decade, and just now, I could taste the fruit in the hot crossed bun I ate. It completely shocked me, as this issue has prevailed up until now. Thank you so much!! I can hardly wait to book an appointment to come see you for a Reiki treatment. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!! I hope to see you soon. 🙂