1000butterflies - april 15 2021

Help locally to heal Globally….
Helping you to find the balance within YOU…..
Renewal, Transformation, Rebirth, Elevation

Letting go and releasing – healing meditation with humming

Letting go and releasing – healing meditation with humming

I was guided to do this recording for letting go and releasing for whatever a person hearing it would like to release and let go of.  The guides said to have it posted for 2021. I use the sound of my voice through humming to help move energy.  I find that when I pitch...
Reiki healing humming

Reiki healing humming

When a client has a Reiki treatment with me, they have the choice of: No music playing their own music (every genre is allowed, yes even heavy metal) letting me choose the music from my collection. I also ask the client’s permission if I can also HUM during the...
Where are you in the pendulum swing in your life?

Where are you in the pendulum swing in your life?

  NOTE: picture is courtesy of PIXABY and is called hypnosis-4041584.  For licensing please go to: https://pixabay.com/service/license/ Kinetic Balls, or more properly, Newton’s Cradle are called so because they demonstrate newton’s third law of...


It’s Monday December 11, 2017 and while eating my breakfast, I am reading an article on consciousness in Scientific American magazine (summer edition, Special Collector’s Edition – its all about the brain) right now . So lets take a step back. On Saturday December 09,...